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x Do You Believe In Me x

Hey :) It's me Demi. Guys, I know that is so hard for you to believe in me but even if you don't believe in me, I wanna be your friend <3 I know who I am and I haven't motives to lie.I love my life and don't forget to give me an answer. (L) I'm waitin'. X D

Love you, Demi. <3
Yes = ILYSM <3 Thank You (L)
Yes = ILYSM <3 Thank You (L)
Maybe = OK.I Wait Your Decision :]
Maybe = OK.I Wait Your Decision :]
No = I.ll Try To Change This xD
No = I.ll Try To Change This xD

Comments • 1

xoDemetriaLovato 14 August 2011  
In the first pic is Jenna ;)
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